I posted some time back that my biggest mistake was not turning to the
Most of my successful trades lately have come not from my early morning homework on gappers, but from monitoring my scanner and see what is getting consistent heavy volume. I got a good one in NG the middle of last week from that. My biggest mistakes have been finding the right balance of position sizing vs room for stops. It seems like you either need to have stops very very tight, or very very loose, anything else gets stopped out. I tend towards tight. Remember, your bottom line tells you whether you are doing it right or not, very simple.
I have been very patient with trades, half to a quarter as many on a average day, and also waiting longer for setups. I have not been taking much in the first few minutes unless it is a very clear setup, the stock is acting stable (no whacky candles and stop probes), and I just scalp, trailing stops up the minute bars and getting out on any horizontal price movement.
I recall my post on the first day of earnings season. I had hoped I would be attacking the gappers the whole season, but I have had to turn to other strategies as the gappers have been weighed down by the market, and just slower to develop during the day , so I have been following the volume more to try and squeeze out more certainty in my setups.